Your Guide to IT Professional Independence

How to escape corporate tech hell and become self-reliant

Welcome! I'm Ryan Bond, a software developer professional with nearly 15 years of experience and a mission to help fellow tech professionals break free from the tyranny of having a boss.

The hard truth about corporate software development

When I started my career, I believed programming would offer stability and financial security for my family. Instead, I discovered a harsh reality that many developers face:

  • Struggling to land entry-level positions that pay much more than minimum wage jobs

  • Constant context-switching and rapid technology learning leading to severe burnout

  • Exploitative work cultures demanding 60-80 hour weeks with minimal compensation

  • Witnessing personal and professional betrayals

  • Experiencing instability through sudden acquisitions and benefit eliminations

  • Working under leadership that seems indifferent to developer well-being

  • Watching entry-level positions disappear due to rapid adoption of AI-based solutions

I've watched talented professionals lose their jobs, seen companies reduce people to nothing more than numbers, and read countless headlines about mass layoffs across the tech industry. I believe it's time for IT professionals to shed their dependence on these corporations for employment, and start becoming dependent on themselves.

A better future through developer independence and entrepreneurship

I'm here to show you there's an alternative

You are not bound to a system of wage slavery. With just a few changes in your mindset and lifestyle, you can:

  • Become financially independent

  • Build something uniquely yours

  • Insulate yourself from corporate uncertainty

  • Transform your tech career on your own terms

Join my journey to freedom

I'm embarking on a transparent, public exploration of how software developers can become self-employed just by learning a few key skills, then applying principles of practice via time and effort.Some things I want to help you learn to do are:

  • Develop a growth mindset

  • Build freelance and independent tech careers

  • Create personal brands

  • Find alternative income streams

  • Develop the soft skills needed for entrepreneurial success

Subscribe to my blog to learn how to transition from corporate tech professional to independent developer. Follow my step-by-step guide as I publicly document my own journey of leaving my corporate job for self-employment.Also follow me on all my socials so you can get daily updates on what I'm working on!

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